Saturday, February 22, 2025

Worst Arctic GI Joe figure

GI Joe is my all time favorite action figure prosperity. I've made a lot of videos over the years about the brand, but I recently released a video taking a look at the various Arctic figures released between 1982 and 1994 in the original run of GI Joe: A Real American Hero.

Who's you favorite and least favorite Arctic Mission Specialist?

Monday, January 6, 2025

Well it's 2025...

 This blog was a really big part of my life for several years. If you look at the stats, you can see that I had a couple really good blogging years in there. I eventually got lured away by video. Many of my vlogging friends moved on the video, podcasts, or social media accounts.

I really enjoyed the Toy Collecting Blog Community we had back then. I just wanted to stop by and say "Hi" and "Thanks" to anyone who stumbles by here.

A lot has changed since my blogging days. A wife, two stepsons, lots of pets, and a new house. Plus a whole lot more toys. My online toy presence is now the Youtube Channel: Pegwarmers

The Toy Industry is in a weird position these days, with a lot of focus on Collector Product, while the prices keep going up. It will be interesting to see if this hobby keeps growing or shrinks back to it's smaller niche.

Hopefully 2025 will be a good one, stay safe.

Kevin (Buzz Chuck)

Friday, December 31, 2021

The end of 2021

 Happy New Year! 

I just wanted to post quickly and say "hi" and "Happy New Year!"

I know I've been bad about posting, and it almost seems odd to post things to Action Figures Adventures as the main title of my contents has changed again. My old videos were AFA themed and titled. Then we shifted to SEO Toy Review and now we are on to Pegwarmers. I know I didn't post any of the episodes here, but if you did check them out, I hope you enjoyed the show.

2020  and then 2021 have been crazy years. I hope you are all safe and happy.

I'll try to post a few of the Pegwarmers videos here in 2022, but I really just wanted to check in with everyone.

Kevin (Buzzchuck)

Monday, August 23, 2021

Pegwarmers (SEO Toy Review Relaunch)

My YouTube channel is about to relaunch as Pegwarmers. The new show will be more of a video podcast style. I have various guests on and we talk about toys, collecting, and pop culture. I hope some of you will check out the new content when it debuts on Wednesday. Check out the video below and please subscribe!

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Road to JoeFest 2021 Part 1

 The Road to JoeFest. I just go back from traveling to Augusta Georgia for a GI Joe Toy Show. I traveled to JoeFest with two other collectors. We stopped along the way at various toy/comic shops. This video covers day one of our travels. Nick and I picked up Dave in Baltimore and then hit Bender's Comics and Toymeister in Virginia on day one of the trip.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Best GI Joe Fan

I recently was part of a Tribute to HoodedCobraCommander788. Hoodie CoCo is one of the best GI Joe toy reviewers on the internet. Some fellow creators and I worked together to release a tribute to him. Hopefully Bryan can begin making videos again some day.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Yo Joe June News from Hasbro Pulse

 Time to take a look at some press photos from the Hasbro Pulse Fan Friday on June 4th, 2021. Have you seen the Heavy Artillery Roadblock? I hope I can find the Target Exclusive RAM Motorcycle with Breaker.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Older Flea Market Finds

 I recently came across a bag of Flea Market Finds that I never filmed. Power Rangers, Super Heroes, Hercules, Godzilla and more. Check out all the fun stuff I found and forgot about.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Pixel Dan's The Toys of He-Man & MOTU Book

 I just got my copy of Pixel Dan's The Toys of He-Man & The Masters of the Universe!  This book covers all the Masters of the Universe Toys lines (Plus Vintage She-Ra) to come out before MOTU Origins. The book is fantastic with lots of great photos showing off accessories, action features, and bits of knowledge.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Advance Dungeons & Dragons Toys

 I shot this video a little while ago of me digging thought a box of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons toys. Anyone collect this line? It just goes to show how insanely popular D&D was at the time. The only Dungeons & Dragons toys I had as a kid came from flea markets, but I loved the monsters and would have enjoyed having a bunch of these guys as a kid.